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荷兰最美的书(2015)/ The Best Dutch Book Design (2015 edition)



荷兰年度最美书籍的评选可以追溯到1926年,是欧洲同类型的活动中历史最长的。其评选首要考虑的是书籍本身——一本好书是形式和内容的结合,是出版商、设计师和印刷业合作的结果,来自其他不同方面的参与者也为此倾注了精力。每年,荷兰的出版商、设计师和印刷厂都会提交300多本书参与评选。评选组主要由一家出版商、两名设计师和一家印刷厂商或者装订专家组成,第五名成员可以是书商、图书史学家、博物馆馆长或者作家。每年的评选由De Best Verzorgde Boeken(荷兰最美的书)基金会组织。

 “The Best Dutch Book Design (2015 edition)” is an exhibition centered on books and publishing.

Dating back to 1926, the annual judging of the “Dutch Best Verzorgde Boeken" is the oldest of its kind in Europe. Every year Dutch publishers, designers and printers submit over 300 books to be judged. The old-fashioned expression“best verzorgd” means “best cared for” and it shows the fact that what judges award in the first place are books, not just their design.

The panel consists mostly of a publisher, two designers and a printer or binder, while the fifth member could be alternately a bookseller, a book historian, a museum curator or a writer on the subject.


主办/Organizers:荷兰最美的书基金会/Foundation De Best Verzorgde Boeken, of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

赞助/Sponsor:上海书展/Shanghai Book Fair, of the Kingdom of the Netherlands


9.23 - 10.7 / Sept. 23rd - Oct. 7th


BTS Print Club/No.32 Gongmenkou Sitiao Hutong/Courtyard with a View


ECAL平面设计展中国巡展/ ECAL Graphic Design



此次“ECAL平面设计展”主打过去五年中该校的大师授课成果,收录了平面设计专业本科及艺术专业硕士学生的精选作品,也涵盖了该校的其他招牌项目。展览画册由Gavillet & Cie工作室编辑,JRP | Ringier出版社发行,收录了现场局部的精彩图片。展览由Adrien Rovero设计呈现,将展品按色彩分为五个区域,允许依据场地灵活拼装,既可只展示画册,也可以在美术馆或画廊完整展示全套作品。


Invited by Pro Helvetia Shanghai, ECAL (University of Art & Design Lausanne) presents “ECAL Graphic Design, an exhibition of projects created by students of the Bachelor in Graphic Design and the Master in Art Direction.

The exhibition and book “ECAL Graphic Design” largely retrace projects conducted in the two aforementioned courses, over the past five years, in the framework of some important visits of experts.

Edited by the Gavillet & Cie studio and published by JRP | Ringier, ECAL book revolves around a long succession of tracking shots in which projects are not classified in categories, but organised by colour.

The exhibition scenography orchestrated by Adrien Rovero is based on the same concept, allowing total flexibility to make the exhibition available in five different sizes – from a simple display to showcase the book to the full version for museums or galleries. 



支持/Supporter:瑞士文化基金会上海办公室/Pro Helvetia Shanghai

策展/Curator:Angelo Benedetto

展览时间:9.23 - 10.7 / Sept. 23rd - Oct. 7th


BTS Print Club/No.32 Gongmenkou Sitiao Hutong/Courtyard with a View



ECAL平面设计展讲座/ ECAL Graphic Design presentation @UCCA

92411:0012:30ECAL平面设计部门负责人Angelo Benedetto将出席在尤伦斯当代艺术中心举办的“北京国际设计周x UCCA系列对话——白塔寺印刷俱乐部:探索平面空间”活动,现场展示ECAL过去五年的平面设计成果。该活动由白塔寺再生计划创意总监毕月/Beatrice Leanza主持,参与对话的还有今年白塔寺再生计划的两位参与者:Max Office创始人章寿品(“SUPERSOFT”),以及2x4北京工作室(“集体运动史”)

On Sept 24, 11:00 am to 12:30, Angelo Benedetto, Head of Bachelor Graphic Design from ECAL (Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne) will present their graphic design show surveying 5 years of works, at UCCA auditorium in 798. The talk ‘BJDW x UCCA Conversation Series: The BAITASI PRINT CLUB – Adventures in Graphic Space’ will be moderated by the Creative Director of Baitasi Remade, Beatrice Leanza. Other speakers include Zhang Shoupin, founder and principal of Max Office (Beijing), with the project SUPERSOFT - Between Infrastructure and Communication Design, and the 2x4 Beijing studio with their new History of Collective Movements.


Sept 24, 11:00 - 12:30

尤伦斯当代艺术中心/ UCCA auditorium


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